Taxi cab fare from Montereau-Fault-Yonne to ...

How much does a taxi cab cost between Montereau-Fault-Yonne and Paris de Gaulle airport, Orly airport or one of the parisian train stations ? Below you'll find estimated fares for the main cab journeys from this city.

  • To Paris city center - Distance: 93km - Journey Time: 1H15 - Cost: 161-219€
  • Paris de Gaulle airport - Distance: 100km - Journey Time: 1H20 - Cost: 173-235€
  • Orly airport - Distance: 74km - Journey Time: 1H05 - Cost: 129-175€

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Airport or station transfer

Passenger car service

Consult the list of on-demand transportation services (cabs, airport shuttles, motorcycle cabs or chauffeur-driven car rentals) in Montereau-Fault-Yonne

Transportation services

How much does a taxi cab cost ?


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Prices are indicative only. They do not take into account any approach fees in the case of reservations, or the baggage supplement.


Montereau-Fault-Yonne cab fares

The town of Montereau-Fault-Yonne is located outsite the Paris cab zone. The fares calculated above are therefore based on the area's mileage scale - Seine et Marne.

Taxi cab pick-up rate: 2.9€
Fare A: 0.85€/km
Fare B: 1.16€/km
Fare C: 1.7€/km
Fare D: 2.32€/km
Minimum journey cost: 7.3€

Precision: The estimates proposed on this site are based on normal road traffic. In the event of traffic jams, the hourly rate applies and the estimate becomes less accurate.

Other cities nearby

Check all cities in the area : Seine et Marne 77

Taxi cost Montereau-Fault-Yonne
Guide to Paris taxi cabs