Book a taxi cab to Paris Orly airport

Are you taking a flight to Paris Orly airport and would like to book a taxi or airport transfer? Use the booking engine to find available drivers for the date and time of your journey. You can also book an airport shuttle or passenger car service online for a journey to Paris Orly airport at a fixed price, known at the time of booking. Note that if your departure address is within the Paris inner suburbs, a flat rate also applies for taxis.


Booking your airport transfer

The various booking services available are those of the taxi centres or shuttle and passenger car services operators.

Airport transfer services

Taxi cabs

Choose your departure address and destination to book your airport transfer online. More about Paris Orly airport shuttle service.

Book your transfer

For a transfer from the airport to Paris city center please refer to Taxi Paris Orly airport
Other airports: Paris de Gaulle airport & Beauvais airport

For drivers based in Orly city please refer to: Taxi Orly city

Taxi & airport shuttle services


Transports in Paris

Find a taxi cab driver in Paris


Please refer to the directory of taxis in Paris and surroundings to find the service or driver available in the district or area of your choice.

Cost of a taxi journey between Paris and Orly airport

Important: A fixed fare applies for taxis between Paris intramuros and Paris Orly airport. However, the price varies according to the bank of the Seine (€36 on the left bank and €44 on the right bank).

Estimated cost Taxi cab service Bus Shared shuttle Private passenger car
Orly-Paris 36-44€ 10-15€ 20-35€ 45-80€
Orly-Roissy 70-90€ 25€ - 80-110€
Orly-Beauvais 150-200€ - - 150-200€
Orly-Disneyland 80-100€ 20-25€ 35-50€ 80-120€
Book your transfer Taxi cabs Bus & other transports Private passenger car hire

To refine this estimate, you can use our fare simulator or estimate the price of a taxi to Orly directly by locating the taxi rank nearest to your departure address: Paris taxi ranks.

Taxi cabs booking centers

  • Taxis G7 : 01 47 39 47 39
  • Centrale Belem Taxis : 01 42 70 00 42
  • Libertytrans : Moto taxi : 0 826 628 730
  • Taxis Bleus : 0891 70 10 10
  • Alpha Taxis : 01 45 85 85 85
  • Mon Transport : 09 75 18 69 60


Calculate the cost of a taxi journey

Cost of a taxi journey

Are you planning a trip?
Practical: Estimate in just a few clicks how much your taxi should cost for a journey between Paris city center or its immediate suburbs and Paris Orly airport (ORY) :

How much does a taxi cost ?

Paris Orly Airport
Guide to Paris taxis