Taxi ranks and call points 14th district

6 taxi ranks or call points are listed in the 14th district.
The main ones, meaning the busiest, are: Denfert Rochereau, Porte d'Orléans, Alesia.


Estimated rates
How much does a taxi journey cost between Denfert Rochereau and ...

Airports: Expect to pay 36Eur (Flat rate) to Paris Orly airport and 65Eur (Flat rate) to get to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport
Stations: 11-18Eur to Gare de Lyon, 17-26Eur to Gare de l'Est, 18-27Eur to Gare du Nord, 6-9Eur to Montparnasse station.
La Défense: 24-33Eur to get to la Defense business district.

Taxi ranks list Paris 14th district

Important : La mairie de Paris revoit actuellement les emplacements des bornes de taxis... Avec de nouveaux numéros.

Check all passenger transport services in the district Taxis Paris 14th district

Other taxi ranks or call points in the area

Need a taxi to get to the airport ?


Three airports serve Paris : Roissy Charles de Gaulle, Orly and Beauvais


There are six major stations:


Estimate the cost of your journey

Taxi cost

Are you planning to take a taxi to the station or airport? Estimate the fare for your journey!

Taxi journey cost simulator

A busy parisian
Guide to Paris taxis